She says "wake up, it's no use pretending". I'll keep stealing, breathing her. Birds are leaving over Autumn's ending. One of us will die inside these arms. Eyes wide open, naked as we came. One will spread our ashes round the yard.
She says "If I leave before you darling, don't you waste me in the ground." I lay smiling like our sleeping children. One of us will die inside these arms. Eyes wide open, naked as we came. One will spread our ashes round the yard.
I think I'm going to start a new blog. I just had an idea. haha
I plan on updating it a lot more and I'll be sure to let everyone know where it is. (:
Here's the link. (:
Love to all.
did u send me yet? i'm excited to get them! really, thanks, i'm gonna make a package too :D
and i'll wait for the pictures, don't rusj yourself (:
are u making money with that?
Gabriela Diniz where aremy pictures sweeet merecedes>< ?
Gabriela Dinizmerecedes, here it is... i was lying in my bed, in the middle of the night and i started reminding about all of you, and about how much fun i had by your side.
i might be really far away from you and stuff, but i still feel you guys.
good friends can&...#039;t be forgotten that easy, and i started crying like crazy, cause i miss you all so much, i miss our little adventures, i miss calling to the radio to listen to 'hate me'
or lazy eye. i miss everything, jeeesus.
i love you so, sweetie.
Merecedes Nelsonoh Gabi..... I love you and I miss you and I'm crying.... not even joking I read that and started crying and gosh. you're so so wonderful and I promised you I'd see you again and I will I will!!
we'll have so many more adventures ...Gabi oh we will and you can take as many pictures with Rory as you want and we'll go to the park and take our naps by the bank of the river and it will just be beautiful and nice.
Oh I love you I love you I love you I love you so so so much and you're so beautiful. gosh you're right good friends can't be forgotten easy and I still have that little picture of you that you gave me from some paper haha and I need to find a nice locket to put it in and it will be wonderful and good. oh gabi.