As I mentioned in my previous post, it's time for a story, because today I started crying a lots, and although my phone breaking was kinda what set it off, that was definitely not the main reason... It wasn't really even anywhere near that.
I had just been having a weird day... It had been good for the most part, but the day... It was the weather, the sights, everything.
It reminded me of a few former friends...
Story time, kiddies.
Last summer I had three best friends. Jared, Anni, and Jana. It was days like today that we'd spend doing whatever at Anni's house or the park or wherever we felt like, really.
I still remember every morning I'd get up and get ready and stuff, then I'd call Jana sometime after noon (She could drive, so... ) and then we'd usually go pick up Anni and Jared, or they'd already be there, and then we'd all go do whatevs.
It was great.
I hadn't had best friends since I left my old school... Three years before then.
I loved it. Just being with them made me forget about everything and knowing I had people that I could tell
anything to...
It was nice.
Well, summer doesn't last forever.
And as expected, school came around. Instead of getting involved in drama hardcore again like Anni and I were the year before, we kinda stayed away from it...
One big mistake.
If I had stayed involved in theater I probably would've avoided a lot of crap. But too late for that.
Eventually we stopped hanging out as much because of school and such... But then things started falling apart.
It'd be a Saturday or Sunday most likely. I'd call Jana sometime after noon wanting to hang out, but she didn't answer her phone. Okay, whatevs. I figured I'd just call in half an hour or so. The next few Half hours went by, and she wasn't answering her phone still. Okay, still whatevs. She's probably at a movie or something, right? I'll just wait for an hour now. Okay, two hours now? Three... Oh. It's already 9:30 PM...? Dang.
Then at school the next day I'd be told something like, "Oh sorry, I was at a movie."
Um. Thanks for lying to me...?
The next weekend the same thing happened.
The next monday I got another excuse, (Although it was more believable.) And it happened again a couple times... So I figured that I'd done my part.
Obviously, I was just calling at the wrong times.
Gosh... I still remember laying in my bed and practically crying my eyes out during all those nights...
So I just stopped calling.
It hurt. Real bad.
And she didn't even care...
I waited so long for her to call; she was my best friend. That's what they do, right? They eventually realize something's wrong and they call to find out what... Or they at least call to hang out or talk... Or that's what I assumed would happen, considering we were friends.
But no.
never did.
One day at school, after a few weeks of this, Anni comes up to me in class and asks why
I haven't been calling them anymore.
Well why the heck haven't you called me?
I just asked her that, a bit nicer, and then she just looked kinda confused and whatevs.
The bell rang and I kinda got out of the room as fast as I could before I started crying again...
Well... Things basically continued from there. I didn't really ever talk to Jana again, although I do still keep in touch with Anni and Jared, actually...
Ah, that's for another time.
The End.