I found this amazing picture at:
She's BA.
Music listened to while typing this:
(There's a good chance that not all of the Titles and such are right...)
Shotgun Wedding by Panic! at the Disco
Inryoku by Perfume
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, Brand New Colony, and Sleeping In by The Postal Service
On the Radio by Regina Spektor
Failure to Excommunicat by Relient K
I do believe in God and destiny.
I do not believe in love at first sight.
I do have a brother that does drugs.
I do not do drugs and I don't hate him for it, although it would be nice if he'd stop...
I do have lots of regrets, but there's nothing that can change what has already happened.
I do not like thinking about the past, yet I find myself doing it all the time.
I do believe that everyone needs a little love, and if I can give it to them with even a simple, kind word, then that's what I'll do.
I do not know if I'll ever be "loved" like my mom and dad love eachother, or if I'll even ever experience the highschool romances I see sprouting up around me all the time. I don't think I've ever
really been in Love with someone.
I do try to not fit in with any of this world's categories/cliques and at the moment I don't believe I do. But, that's just my opinion, and the world has it's own opinion of me, whether it contrasts mine or not. Some people call me Emo. Some people call me a Nerd. A few times I've even been called popular.
Honestly, none of that matters. It's stupid.
I really do hate it when people make a big deal out of that kind of stuff.
It just ticks me off.
I do think that saving the earth is a good thing, and we really should be more concerned about the situation that we, the human race, are putting ourselves in.
I do not believe in Global Warming, though. Honestly, you'd think that people would be
happier that the weather's getting warmer. To quote The Postal Service, "Concerns about the weather getting warmer, people thought that they were just being rewarded"
I do consider myself to be fat, and I don't like it. And another thing that kinda ticks me off about being fat is that a lot of times people assume things about you that they shouldn't. Freshman year, at lunch, I had a sandwich or something, and if you know school lunches, you probably know that it wasn't the greatest sandwich I'd ever eaten. So,
because I'm fat when I stood up with my tray, and my half-eaten sandwich (I didn't see the point in eating anymore of it... It was gross and I was full enough anyway.) one of my friends stood up and said, "Okay everyone, we all need to tell Sadies (Nickname) that she's beautiful, because she's going anorexic."
Really? Honestly? Did you
need to say that?
If I was skinny she wouldn't have said that because I would've not had a reason to want to lose weight, therefore it would have just been because I didn't want the rest of my sandwich.
But, because I am fat, they automatically assume that if I don't finish my food, I'm
obviously going anorexic, because that's what fat people do.
That's why I don't sit with them at lunch anymore. :D
I do have a favorite food, and it is crab.
I do not like spicy food. It's absolutely disgusting.
I do think that this is the end, finally.
I don't think I have anything left to say. For now.