Music listened to while typing this:
Godspeed by Anberlin
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Awakening by Switchfoot
A-Punk by Vampire Weekend
First Date Mullet by PonyPonyRunRun
Aaaaaah! I applied for a job today... >.<
And... I was thinking about it, like, after I turned in the application...
What if I don't really want a job!? I mean, it'd be really nice to have the money, but then it'll mean that I can't do a lot of the things I do right now...
G'bye freedom...
But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself, because I haven't even had an interview yet... So it's all good.
For now.
But besides that, I've decided that I'm gonna Pokemon it up all night long tonight. Currently in my pokedex, I've seen 349 pokemon.
Tomorrow morning as soon as I wake up, we'll see what my dex status is. ;D
Mmmmmm..... Yes. That's it. Good night!
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