I went to the park the other day... See me?
Right now I'm listening to: Godspeed by Anberlin (Repeatedly)
I've also been watching Mattg124 for a while tonight... Haha, he's real silly.
Mleh... I've been in the mood to make lots more stop motion films lately... But I probably won't. I'm too lazy, and I keep ending up going and spending the day at other people's houses.
Sum laeta! ^^ ... Quod per agros curris! >.>
Amo Latium.
So anyways...
Yeah. So, I said in my last post that I'd post what my new pokedex status was as soon as I woke up, because I was gonna play it all night long... And... That didn't really happen. As soon as I woke up I went and played Super Smash Bros. Brawl... And after that I watched Van Helsing and Sweeney Todd at a friend's so I didn't even get back home until 6ish. Then I talked on the phone for a while with a few friends, and eventually I got back on the computer, and it's now... 11:33 PM.
Cute cute.
Buuuuuuuuuuut... Let me get my gameboy and I'll see how many pokemon I added...
Seen: 357
I just need to get a hundred or so more before Rich gets back...
Mmm... Park pictures.
Merc!!!!!! Ah!!! You should go to my house and compare our sched's. Then we'll now wheteher or not we have OL together.
Ah... Whether was murdered in that comment....
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