I GOT A TABLET!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I downloaded photoshop illegally! :D
Eugepae! (:
And I drew that picture with my tablet. ;D
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah... I had to go back to school today... x.o
My first day as a Junior.
It wasn't my favorite.
Throughout the whole day I had an absolutely hideous and terrible migraine that left me semi dazed and confused all the time.
This led to some problems.
One, I couldn't focus on what the teachers were saying, so I can only hope that all the homework I did is the only homework I had to do... >.>
And two, well... Haha...
Lunch had just gotten over, so I was gonna go to the bathroom real quick, and since I was already really out of it, I just went into the bathroom, not really paying much attention.
I got in there, and I was thinking, "Woah... It looks different in here. Has there always been sinks right there?" I just kinda pushed it to the back of my mind and turned to where the stalls were.
Or were supposed to be.
And instead, there was only one stall, and then where the other stalls should have been, there were a bunch of urinals lining the wall.
OH Crap.
Yah, so I was in the guys' bathroom...
But luckily no guys were in there. Wow, I think I probably would have ran all the way home and not have ever come back.
But since no one else was in there, I just quickly walked back out and ran into the girls' room.
I think some chick was laughing at me when I came out, but I wasn't for sure, and I could really care less what some chick who I don't know thinks about me and what I do.
So in the end it all worked out. =P
Ugh... I dunno... I just couldn't get in a very happy mood for a good portion of today... I didn't like it. :(
And then I saw some kid that looked exactly like Connor.
Like, I had to do a double take...
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