Sunday, September 7, 2008

We Can Just Pretend

Lifelight = Love, love, love, love, love.

I could write, like, 500 posts all just about lifelight, but I probably won't.

Also, I'm supposed to be writing a descriptive essay right now, (It's about Lifelight. Ha. Ha.) and my mom just called and said that I can't go and do anything until I'm done... And she called right after Rich did, wanting me to come over. Oh geez. I should probably get on that...

Well, here's what I have so far:

Period 6
Descriptive Essay

All around bodies are pressed close; heat rising and sweat dripping. We move as one; a single, massive body swaying and writhing to the beat of the music. Frenetic screams and shouts intermingle with the shrill chords of guitars and throbbing pulsations of the drums. Out of the dark speakers towering high above the stage, pours the voice of an eccentric musician that has become the only voice that can be heard. Soon the frenzied rhythm of the song demands for all to jump and we obey, our dust coated and worn legs thrust the rest of our bodies into the night air again and again. If only this chilly, exciting night could go on forever.
For a moment we’ll turn back the pendulum to before the Family Force Five concert began. A sizable crowd had already formed around the flashy stage. Each person gathered there was eagerly awaiting the first significant sounds of the music to begin, although the sound check would probably take another half hour or so. The sounds of hundreds of different feet shuffling amidst the dirt and dust was hardly audible above the roar coming from the multitude, each speaking louder than the next in order to be heard. Considering that trying to talk over the raucous clamor would be nearly impossible, I turned to look at the fading sky behind me.
By now the sun was no longer even visible, but milky pinks and oranges spilled across the darkened sky in the West; darkness slowly took over from the East, only to be punctured by tiny, pinpoint stars. A prodding in my arm brought me back to the now, and I turned my head to see Kirstin reaching out for me with one hand while jabbing her other between people to forge a path closer to the stage. My searching fingers clasped her arm tightly as the mass threatened to split us apart, and soon we found our own niche in the crowd.



Anyways... Yah. It only has to be five paragraphs, so I'm basically half way done.

Blah. I'll go do it.

I just realized that I hadn't updated this for a very long time... So yah.

Hur you go.


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