Sometimes, you just want to sit.
And enjoy
Because you come to the realization that you won't always be here.
What if this the last sunset I'll ever see? Or if that's the last time I'll hug a friend goodbye?
Speaking of which, there's exactly one hour until Rich turns 18.
Now 59 minutes.
As I said in my last post, I haven't updated in quite a while... :/
And I'm sorry for that.
And once again, as I said in my last post, I really did just forget about it. Haha.
I dunno.
58 Minutes.
But I'm thinking that I'm gonna start blogging again, like, hardcore! >:D
Things shouldn't be quite as busy anymore anyways now that I'm not doing Romeo & Juliet...
53 Minutes.
Well, I guess I'm still doing it... Just makeup.
I'm sorry. I don't mean to.
I don't even know when I started swearing... It just happened one day...
56 Minutes.
55 Minutes.
54 Minutes.
I'm doing it again.
53 Minutes.
To answer the question you're probably thinking: yes. This is completely pointless. If you wanted to stop reading right now and go do something worthwhile then go ahead, I don't blame you.
52 Minutes.
I want to take pictures. I want to make something of my life. I want to be able to capture something ordinary and make it look new.
51 Minutes.
What is this?
50 Minutes.
I don't know what I'm doing. Everything is quite silly, including me. I can feel my skin growing older and looser and it's all too much. Really. It's going to float away.
48 Minutes.
Please, please, don't lie to me. I can handle anything but all of the fucking lying. Fuck.
I'm feeling odd. No, not really. Just kidding. I'm not really feeling much of anything.
At all. Hm.
What does it mean when your best friend ditches you to become friends with your brother? Or when your other best friend just decides she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore so she stops answering all of your fucking calls and won't give you a straight reason for why she never wants to even talk to you anymore or look you in the eyes?
I wouldn't know.
45 Minutes.
Why is music so great? I love. I can just get lost listening to anything lately. Actually, here, I'll make a little "mixed tape" for you. Except it's not a real mixed tape because then I don't know how I'd give it to you over the internet. :P
So here:
The Becoming -- Your Love
Muse -- Bliss
Disciple -- Rise Up
Anberlin -- The Feel Good Drag (Basically One of my most favorite bands and one of my most favorite songs by them. :D Plus, they're all extremely nice looking.)
The Classic Crime -- The Fight
Willet -- Taste
The Smiths -- Asleep (Beautiful song)
Tokyo Police Club -- Cheer It On
Pinback -- Boo
And that's pretty much it for now.
Aren't they nice? Boo is one of my favorite songs ever. :)
29 Minutes.
28 Minutes.
I'm staying awake until midnight so I can be the first to wish Rich a happy birthday, but I'm growing bored... :/
24 Minutes.
Haha. I'm playing me some neopets. >:)
19 Minutes.
18 Minutes.
Owning n00bs on Neo...
7 Minutes.
Well. That was cute. They have some special thing going on where you can send your score on all of the games 5 times instead of 3 during the month of february, so I just earned 10000 NP in a few minutes. ;D
6 Minutes.
It was cute.
Ah... I do believe it's time for me to go now.
5 Minutes.
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