I've just been real busy with... Everything. Ah...
And now I've found myself just sitting here on the end of my bed in my pajamas with some good music playing and a glass of chocolate milk, all ready to talk about my feelings.
I love.
Hehe. :)
Things have just been really happy lately... I dunno. haha.
I hung out with Bill the other day for like... An hour or so...? :P
It was pretty cool, though. He seems like a pretty great guy. And I mean, he likes Pokemon, so obviously he has to be pretty cool. :P
I've felt real self-concious lately and stuff, though. It sucks. :(
And I don't really know. Haha. Like, I can never be fucking pretty enough for myself. I just feel so ugly and fat and stupid.
haha. I'm dumb.
I don't know what's wrong with me anymore.
But I'm still happy most of the time... What the f*** is up with that? haha. I'm just pretty screwed up in the head!
But... I don't really feel like writing anything else now. So good night. :)
I love you! :D
Oh Mercy you're so beautiful you make me jealous everytime I look at you. You're full of life and love, and those things matter so much!
AND, I heart you so much. I'm happy you're happy. Anything you need, holler!
psh... everyone is like that Merc! (i'm not stalking you... just... that's how boring my life is :P) I'm glad you're happy! Maybe you could transfer some of that to Rich... *sigh*
Aw... You both make me real happy. :)
I love you guys lots! :D
(And I really wanna meet you sometime Steph! haha! :D)
I really wanna meet you too! maybe over spring break if Rich and I can find money... :/
Aw, that'd be really great! :D
I could help pay for it too. :)
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