Good morning. I say this because, it is now 7:38 AM.
Don't believe me?

But it's 44° in San Francisco so all is good! :P
Ah... I haven't been very good about blogging as of late. >:(
I've just been so busy... And my mom and dad don't ever let me get on the computer anymore anyways. And I'm just going to get upset if I talk about my parents anymore on hear because my mom has been really crazy lately and it angers me immensely. D:<>www.myspace.com/nickasaur
I love it. :)
Ah... I feel asleep last night... I'm such an idiot...
Becca and Morgan and Tim and Dyllan were all gonna come bust me out last night and we were gonna have lots of fun and it was going to be really great, but...
And I woke up this morning and I had two missed calls around midnight.
One from Becca.
One from Morgan.
I was very fucking upset. I actually said fuck. As I was laying in bed.
Whatevs, though.
We're all still gonna have lots of fun today...
But I'm still really pissed at myself...
It's just something about this house... It makes me tired and by 11 I couldn't keep my eyes open..... D:
Oh well...
I'll just learn from this and stuff. There's nothing I can do now I suppose. :P
Hm... I think that's it. I don't know what else to really say. haha. :P
Great blog merc. lol.
Haha, thanks. :P
I was feeling silly. :)
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